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Our aim is to impact on all, and to nurture a life-long passion for sport, exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

We want the children to be the best that they can be and to live their lives in all their fullness!

After carrying out an audit we have decided that our priorities for spending the Sport Premium money are:

  • to offer all groups of children the opportunity to participate in sports festivals or competitions or extra-curricular activities.
  • to provide professional development for staff, so that all staff can deliver a high standard of P.E.
  • for a wider range of activities to be offered to children.
  • to further raise the profile of sports and P.E. in school.
  • to invest in coaching within school
  • to encourage all of the children in all sports
  • to continue with our excellent 'PEPlanning Tool'

Many of our action points have already started to be achieved and the children have taken part in many sports competitions and extra-curricular activities.

We are seeing the impact of the Sports Premium funding on a daily basis:

  • To continue to train our Year 6 play leaders have some fantastic new equipment to work with, enabling them to bring a wide variety of games to the younger children and increase overall activity at break time;
  • We have increased our clubs to include eg: Judo, Zumba, Musical Theatre, Girls' Football
  • Our teachers have benefited from some great planning and resource ideas from PEPlanning
  • A large number of our pupils have been able to participate in high-level inter-school competitions, including tag-rugby, football, cross-country, netball, rounders, sports hall athletics.

Sports Premium

House Captains and Sports Ambassadors

P. E. Days for 2024-2025

  • Tigers EYFS - Friday
  • Tigers Year 1 - Thursday
  • Leopards Year 1 + 2 - Wednesday and Thursday
  • Lions Year 3 + 4 - Monday and Tuesday
  • Pumas Year 4 + 5 - Wednesday and Friday
  • Jaguars Year 6 - Monday and Thursday

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.